ASK THE MUSHER Vol 10: Mitch Seavey

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Re: ASK THE MUSHER Vol 10: Mitch Seavey (12/10 thru 12/16)

Postby sc-race-fan » Fri Dec 12, 2008 3:25 am

Congrats on your win. As many mushers have said it's the running of the dogs not the winning that's important, but I think it's the winning that shows how well some teams can run. Having followed the race for years over the internet, I can certainly understand how some would feel the use of GPS on all participants would help the spectator part of the sport, but in my opinion, some of the thrill is in seeing the checkpoint in/out times and trying to do your own calculations, especially when some mushers go through checkpoints then stop for rest. My question to you, is will having tracking on all participants, in just a few years, reveal all the "hidden musher secrets" that make for a winning run? I think the most challenging rule is the outside assistance one, and I'm not sure everyone follows that to the letter now!! How do you have a "Phone update" with friends/loveones and not obtain some specific race information that you as an individual racer would not have with out the call?? Thanks again for joining our forum and answering our questions..
Proud PaPa of the triplet litter; Aidan (B), Bailey (G), and Cameron (B). Cameron is on top in picture; Bailey, of course, is the bowhead!!
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Re: ASK THE MUSHER Vol 10: Mitch Seavey (12/10 thru 12/16)

Postby Moose » Fri Dec 12, 2008 6:42 am

Behind every good team--in this case you're fielding how many good teams this year?--there's gotta be good "management". That would be Management, with a capital M for Mom! ;) Danny, bring us up to speed on your mom's involvement in all of this dog business. I suspect her role is bigger than we might ever imagine.

Mitch, I caught the first of your three sessions in New Hampshire in October--with dogs at home alone, I couldn't be there for the second and third session--and I was totally intrigued with your statement that you don't put pups in harness until they're a full year old. Did I understand that correctly? Could you elaborate on the theory behind that practice a little bit?
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Re: ASK THE MUSHER Vol 10: Mitch Seavey (12/10 thru 12/16)

Postby dilli » Fri Dec 12, 2008 8:27 am

Thanks so much, Mitch and Danny, for taking time out from your very busy lives to join us here!!!!!! :D

During a slow time during the 2006 Irod on the old Cabela's Irod forum, Tyrell kindly shared Mom Seavey's Bean Dip recipie with us .. Yummmmm ... it has become an annual favorite official snack food served at Dilliville during the race each year .. so a belated thanks to (((Mom Seavey and Tyrell))

Team Seavey is just awesome. It's wonderful to see an entire family so involved and dedicated to improving every aspect of working sled dogs and the art and balance of running a successful kennel, breeding and racing program. You are a real tribute to the sport. Thank you very much for everything you have all personally contributed for the sport's long term improvement and benefit.

Many mushers comment about how much the sport of mushing and competitive racing has evolved and continues to evolve. Aside from dog care, what other evolution(s) do you feel has created the most beneficial improvement(s) for the sport? Are there any specific improvements you feel are works in progress and if so, what are they?

Someone has to ask this, so I will. Tread is a legend in his own mind and time to some of us who remember his trail antics with great affection, amusement and respect. How's Tread doing these days? Any new funny Tread stories you'd care to share?

Wishing the Seavey Family happy holidays and a happy, healthy and successful racing season!
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Re: ASK THE MUSHER Vol 10: Mitch Seavey (12/10 thru 12/16)

Postby mitchseavey » Fri Dec 12, 2008 12:38 pm

Good morning again. Dad and Jake are finally back to the truck, they've been mushing in -20 for the better part of three days. A little tired, but everyone's doing well.

What bloodline is Eagle from? Eagle represents the dogs we've been breeding for years. All of his ancestors for three or more generations were raised here. Tread is one of his uncles too!

What was your scariest moment on the trail? I asked him this and he hemmed and hawed for a minute and then said "I can't really think of anything, maybe something to do with open water like the Kusko." I think it illustrates that the mushers don't really have time to be scared or think about these things. Watching the front guys in Iditarod (when I snowmachine), I've never heard any musher express concern for anything other than his dogs. They just don't think about cold, wind, trail conditions, or any of that. If they though about it they probably wouldn't do it :D

Do you have a favorite checkpoint? "I've come to like Cripple the last couple of years, there is lots of room to get inside and dried out. Also Koyuk, I've really liked it there." I'm going to add that during the Sweepstakes we concluded that Council was one of the best checkpoints of all time.
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Re: ASK THE MUSHER Vol 10: Mitch Seavey (12/10 thru 12/16)

Postby mitchseavey » Fri Dec 12, 2008 12:48 pm

whew, had a close call on the last one. hit save instead of post, took me a while to find it again :lol:

You are a very fast finisher. Sometimes it seems that had the race been 50miles longer you would have won. What decides when you put your team in that special fast gear?(as his son i've occasionally wondered this too, good question)
"If you look at the times, we don't speed up, we just don't slow down nearly as much." The '06 kusko for example, he almost caught Jeff at the finish. He was moving <10mph, but Jeff was going 7.5

You won the race back in 2004. What was special about that year's team or race, why did you win that year?
"It's the dogs. I had a lot of outstanding young dogs that year, it was by far the best team I'd ever had until last winter."

I'm also curious to know if you think differently now compared to earlier years when it comes to what quality you look for in your Iditarod team of dogs? Do you sometimes choose dogs after what the weather forcast says (for instance if the forcast predicts a storm in 6-7 days, or if it predicts cold, clear weather).
"I just take the best ones. We try to have versitile dogs to begin with. Sometimes it's difficult to pick the last couple of dogs, if you have more good ones than spots, but then I usually take the younger dog who's going to benefit from the experience."
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Re: ASK THE MUSHER Vol 10: Mitch Seavey (12/10 thru 12/16)

Postby mitchseavey » Fri Dec 12, 2008 12:54 pm

What other races do you run, besides the Iditarod, if any? Which ones are your favorites, and why?
"the only one other than Iditarod that I really try to race is Kusko, so it's my favorite. I really like the atmosphere out there, and it's a well set up,really tough race. It doesn't have too much mandatory rest, so we still have to make a lot of decisions."

How did the All Alaska Sweepstakes differ from the Iditarod? What did you like better about it? What aspects did you not care for?
"the handler assistance and lack of dog drops were the big differences. I liked having handlers, it made it more fun, and allowed for superb dog care. Without dog drops, we had to be very selective in who we ran, and run the race in such a way that every dog was going to be able to finish. What's not to like? There were a few logistical things, but that's expected when you only run every 25 years."
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Re: ASK THE MUSHER Vol 10: Mitch Seavey (12/10 thru 12/16)

Postby mitchseavey » Fri Dec 12, 2008 12:57 pm

How do you think this issue (drug testing) would be best addressed?
"I would like to see some sort of comprehensive, thorough, drug testing program like other major sporting events that would minimize the likelihood of cheating."

I saw your kennel's 2008 WildRide show the first time you performed it back in May in Anchorage. What are your plans for the summer of 2009?
We will still have the two shows a day like last year, but we're in the process of adding a dinner show in the evenings. That was the original plan, and it's we're excited to see it finally come to fruition.
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Re: ASK THE MUSHER Vol 10: Mitch Seavey (12/10 thru 12/16)

Postby mitchseavey » Fri Dec 12, 2008 1:04 pm

Will having (GPS) tracking on all participants, in just a few years, reveal all the "hidden musher secrets" that make for a winning run? How do you have a "Phone update" with friends/loveones and not obtain some specific race information that you as an individual racer would not have with out the call??

"the Iditarod to the spectators is a lot of stats and numbers. To the mushers, that matters a little, but there is really very little you can do in reaction to your competition. If there is some move I can make to overtake my opponent, then I should already be planning to do it. There really are not very many secrets, the mushers know what the others are doing."
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Re: ASK THE MUSHER Vol 10: Mitch Seavey (12/10 thru 12/16)

Postby mitchseavey » Fri Dec 12, 2008 1:23 pm

Ok, so I asked my mom about the recipe, and it sounds like she pretty much shoots from the hip. She said almonds ground to dust in the food processor, apricots, dates, and dried cranberries, in no partcular quantities. And sometimes chocolate chips, but my dad doesn't like chocolate.

What other evolution(s) do you feel has created the most beneficial improvement(s) for the sport? Are there any specific improvements you feel are works in progress and if so, what are they?
"Again just better dogs, and our understanding of what they can do." I remember we spent years trying to find the silver bullet, some supplement or trick that would elevate us to the winners circle. We always thought our dogs were as good as anyone elses. But now that we really have the athletes, we feel that everything else (besides feeding) matters less and less. Michael Jordan could make any coach look good, and the same applies to sled dogs.

How's Tread doing these days? Any new funny Tread stories you'd care to share?
"Tread turned 13 in July, but he's still doing well, and he always barks and gets excited when we hook up. This fall, I was running some puppies and decided to throw him in lead. He got all excited, barking like crazy, then we took off. He made it to the first corner (about 300 yards), and he made it clear he was ready to turn around and go home. I guess he's to the point it's more fun to bark than actually go." Our whole lot is set up in sections: my dad's team, the b string, the yearlings, retirees, etc. mostly because each group gets fed differently. Tread, however, still lives in his house in the "A team" lot, and my dad still feeds him race food. It makes him feel important ;)
And i'm sure you all know about his rock.

anyhow, that's it for now. there are some good questions about the family i still haven't gotten to, but i have to go run while it's light out. more this evening, and thanks for all the good questions.
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Re: ASK THE MUSHER Vol 10: Mitch Seavey (12/10 thru 12/16)

Postby Tonichelle » Fri Dec 12, 2008 3:43 pm

mitchseavey wrote:I saw your kennel's 2008 WildRide show the first time you performed it back in May in Anchorage. What are your plans for the summer of 2009?
We will still have the two shows a day like last year, but we're in the process of adding a dinner show in the evenings. That was the original plan, and it's we're excited to see it finally come to fruition.

Good to hear that's still the plan! That's exciting! :)

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