DeNure out Schandelmeier in?!

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DeNure out Schandelmeier in?!

Postby flowerpower » Sun Mar 08, 2020 6:30 pm

OK, is anyone else as astonished as I am that they let Schandelmeier swap in at the last second? He apparently ran and finished 1 Iditarod in 1993. Won the Quest twice, in 1992 and 1996. Gear/clothes that are packed would be for Zoya.

EDIT: He did not finish in 1993 and is considered a rookie????
Last edited by flowerpower on Mon Mar 09, 2020 6:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: DeNure out Schandelmeier in?!

Postby fladogfan » Sun Mar 08, 2020 6:35 pm

How can he qualify, that was 27 years ago.
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Re: DeNure out Schandelmeier in?!

Postby tanglefoot » Sun Mar 08, 2020 10:46 pm

i think they should make her re do her qualifiers if she ever decides to do this race again. i am sorry to say she is becoming a laughing stock especially after how they attacked long distance mushing a while back and apparently support peta!
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Re: DeNure out Schandelmeier in?!

Postby SuldalsXpressen » Mon Mar 09, 2020 12:06 am

flowerpower wrote:OK, is anyone else as astonished as I am that they let Schandelmeier swap in at the last second? He apparently ran and finished 1 Iditarod in 1993. Won the Quest twice, in 1992 and 1996. Gear/clothes that are packed would be for Zoya.

Yes, I´m surprised. Given her history in this race, I would think they could have switched places a few days earlier? If there is an «emergency» the race marshall can allow a change in musher between the start and the restart - but I find it odd that an «emergency» does not make the team scratch...

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Re: DeNure out Schandelmeier in?!

Postby mira » Mon Mar 09, 2020 1:31 am

Schandelmeier is considered to be a rookie. This is just weird.
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Re: DeNure out Schandelmeier in?!

Postby Moose » Mon Mar 09, 2020 3:58 am

Only a bit facetiously: You know, the dogs were there, in harness and on the line, they were trained, they wanted to run. The deep snow intimidated Zoya, causing her to swoon. So John stepped onto the runners "in the best interest of the dogs !!?"

If he scratches in the next day or two, I'm sticking by my theory.
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Re: DeNure out Schandelmeier in?!

Postby emwcee » Mon Mar 09, 2020 5:50 am

Oh Jeez -- not again!
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Re: DeNure out Schandelmeier in?!

Postby Moose » Mon Mar 09, 2020 6:10 am

Voila! From the ITC site:

Veteran musher Zoya DeNure (bib #42) of Delta Junction, Alaska, withdrew from the Iditarod XLVIII at noon on Sunday, March 8, 2020, due to personal health reasons. Her husband and fellow long-distance musher, John Schandelmeier, will be racing her team in her stead. Race Marshal Mark Nordman made the decision to allow the substitution in the best interest of the members of her race team, who have been training all year for this opportunity. Schandelmeier is a two-time Yukon Quest champion and competed in the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race in 1993, as well as other races throughout the years. According to rule #4 of the Iditarod race rules, “substitute drivers will be allowed only in cases of emergency and only if approved by the Race Marshal prior to the restart of the race.” Schandelmeier is considered a rookie in this year’s race.

Edited to add: If my snarkiness turns out to be badly inappropriate, I do wish her well.
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Re: DeNure out Schandelmeier in?!

Postby flowerpower » Mon Mar 09, 2020 9:02 am

So here’s the low-down from Zoya:

Zoya DeNure Schandelmeier I was in the ER from 9am-2:45 today at Providence in Anchorage.
I have AFib and my heart rate flared up to 187 beats per minute for 45 minutes. I couldn’t even drive myself in. I have not done “this” before. I am seeing a cardiologist tomorrow and have been down all day. This was the very last thing I, or anyone wanted.
My Lord, folks… I’ve spent all year training my dog team, spent $15k on my race, sacrificed much in order to have a well trained team for this race as we have a life and family besides training for Iditarod. Please pray for me and my health as it’s most important I am well. Trust me, this was an unexpected disaster. Sorry to disappoint. And as far as John, he’s competent and healthier than most my age.
Maybe pray for him as well, thank you.
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Re: DeNure out Schandelmeier in?!

Postby flowerpower » Mon Mar 09, 2020 9:08 am

I'm not sure what she means by "I haven't done this before".

March 6, 2018

Off the trail and busy with doctors in Anchorage. Not what I had expected as we happily pulled the hook Sunday afternoon on Willow Lk. Disappointed doesn't cover it. Sad doesn't touch it.
As you all know, my race ended in Skwentna. At the time, I had felt grateful to make it to Yentna in one piece and had been through what felt like several marathons in this short run up the river. My heart was beating at 200 beats per minute about an hour out.....for hours. I arrived Yentna in rough shape. I could hardly breath, stand straight up and was experiencing great pains in my chest, neck and back. My chest was feeling tightly restricted. I was light headed and it took all I had to care for my lively team before trying to reach John about medication and advice.
I waited in Yentna until my heart rate came down. About 11pm, it came down to 138. I took off for Skwentna. We had a beautiful fast run up to SKW but I was still experiencing strange symptoms. My left arm was in pain now and my chest was experiencing sharp shooting pain.I had a doctor on hand to talk to in SKW and decided after staying 5 hrs with no sign of change to not gamble with my life for the dog race. It's all fun and games until something like this happens. Priorities change quickly. I AM SAD. I am sad not to go to Nome one last time with my beautiful team, we worked hard to get the team there this year. They are a top notch team.
And this was going to be my last run to Nome for awhile as we had discussed as a family earlier this year to concentrate our time, money and energy on other important things in our life for a bit. I had been so looking forward to this great trip across the state with my team one more time.
Last edited by flowerpower on Mon Mar 09, 2020 9:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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