A Listing of Sled Dog, Mushing and Racing Books.

This is a forum for general discussion of dogsled racing, with a special focus on Alaska, and is open to all. It is expected that this area will see the most activity during the months leading up to, and during the annual Iditarod sled dog race. Pictures from races can be posted here. Hosting is provided by the Bering Strait School District (BSSD), and the area is open all year. Care to be one of our volunteer moderators? Contact us!

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Re: A Listing of Sled Dog, Mushing and Racing Books.

Postby MelanieGouldFanBrian » Wed Feb 27, 2013 11:06 am

New Book by Musher Jim Lanier out, or should I say will be out shortly.
It's called:
It's available for pre-order here---

Jim Lanier.jpg
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Re: A Listing of Sled Dog, Mushing and Racing Books. PART II

Postby MelanieGouldFanBrian » Wed Feb 27, 2013 11:26 am

Seems only 60,000 characters allowed in a post, so I have to start a part II to my Listing of Sled Dog, Mushing and Racing books. I hope it isn't too confusing. I have made it the exact same format.

Here is a listing of books that I have compiled. They are in a variety of areas and include Iditarod Books done by Mushers; General Iditarod books; Musher Biographies; as well as Yukon Quest books; Sled Dog Racing and Dog Training; Children and Young Adult Books; Books on the Serum Run; All Alaskan Sweepstakes; General Sled Dogs Books; and Adult Fiction. They are NOT in alphabetical order. Any suggestions for ones I may have missed, please private message me with them and I’ll add to list periodically.


Beyond Ophir. Confessions of an Iditarod Musher, An Alaskan Odyssey By Jim Lanier. No longer bound by the constraints of a 9-to-5 job, Lanier has taken up writing, spinning tales from the miles he's spent on Iditarod trails. He's finished a book based on his run as a rookie musher in 1979, titled “Beyond Ophir: Confessions of an Iditarod musher,”which he describes as a chronology of the race from Anchorage to Nome that's peppered with “a nickel's worth of philosophy.”

Iditarod Alaska: Life of a Long Distance Sled Dog Musher by Burt Bomhoff.
Burt Bomhoff is a sled dog musher who finished seven Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Races and has been recognized for a great understanding and care of his dogs and the deep passion he has for the sport of sled dog mushing.
In his recounting of the Iditarod races, Bomhoff describes the mindsets and racing tactics of the mushers, the grandeur of the alaska wildernes along with the near-life-threatening encounters in this same harsh Alaska wilderness.
This book, "Iditarod Alaska: Life of a Long Distance Sled Dog Musher," is a sweet, informative, humorous and, in some instances, a sad description of life as a musher. However, as the author states in the book, it was important to him to show all aspects of being a musher, not just the good times.
Through his personal insights and stories ranging from the psychology involved in the training of his sled dogs through adventures along the iditarod Trail and friendships made, the reader gets to experience the thrill and heartache of what it is like to live a lifelong dream in the Last Frontier.
The book is written and reads as if he is telling stories sitting around the campfire while you drink coffee and pet his dogs. You feel as though you could be one of his best friends being let in on many private jokes and touching stories from days gone by.

Dog Man: Chronicles of an Iditarod Champion By Martin Buser
Join four-time winner and mushing legend Martin Buser as he reveals his life's journey in candid and action-packed detail. From a childhood overseas to becoming a proud immigrant to the United States, Buser's story of self-discovery takes the reader with him on the adventures, misadventures, and lessons that have shaped him and his incredible bond with his sled dogs.

Iditarod Dreamer by Hank DeBruin and Tanya McReady
Jump on the sled and join Winterdance Dogsled Tours owner Hank DeBruin and his team of 20 Purebred Siberian Huskies for a year in their life preparing for and competing in Alaska's Iditarod "The Last Great Race on Earth". This has been a consuming goal that Hank has pursued for 10 plus years. The story will take you from the hills of Maine, Haliburton, Ontario and Minnesota, across Canada to the heights of the Alaska Range and along the brutally cold, mighty Yukon River, plus many breathtaking spots and encounters along the way. Grasp why someone would willingly put themselves through days of sleep deprivation, exposure to -50F temperatures and in the grip of blizzards.

Fast into the Night By Debbie Clark Moderow
Fast into the Night is the gripping story of Moderow’s journeys along the Iditarod trail with her team of spunky huskies: Taiga and Su, Piney and Creek, Nacho and Zeppy, Juliet and the headstrong leader, Kanga. The first failed attempt crushed Moderow’s confidence, but after reconnecting with her dogs she returned and ventured again to Nome, pushing through injuries,  hallucinations, epic storms, flipped sleds, and clashing personalities, both human and canine. And she prevailed. 


Born to Mush Dallas Seavey, Youngest Iditarod Champion!
BORN TO MUSH is the story of how Dallas Seavey becomes the youngest person ever to win the grueling Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. Along the way, this tenacious and dedicated athlete learns to think like a dog---focusing on the moment, and finding the joy in every challenge---from blizzards to thin ice. After becoming a world-class competitive wrestler and facing a tough decline in health, Dallas returns to the sport he was born to do...sled dog racing. This book highlights his six-year partnership with Jim and Rosanne Keller representing J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc., who believed in Dallas' dream to win the Iditarod---Alaska's largest sporting event. Enjoy the adventure with the J. J. Keller/Dallas Seavey Iditarod Racing Team!

Tails of the Gypsy Musher: Alaska and Beyond. By Hugh Neff
"Told by Walter, one of Hugh's dogs, "Tails of the Gypsy Musher" chronicles Neff's unlikely journey from the big city of Chicago to the remote outposts of Alaska. The story pulls you along as easily as Neff's sled dogs do from competition to competition, from adventure to adventure.Told in a style ranging from light-hearted whimsy to wide-eyed wonder, Neff takes you into his world of beauty and love, where dogs are family and the environment is holy and sacred. It's a road worth traveling. All along the way, the spirit of Neff and his sled dogs shines through, illuminating the way for future dreamers. Geronimo, indeed." --K.C. Johnson, Chicago-based sportswriter

Racing Toward Recovery: The Extraordinary Story of Alaska Musher Mike Williams Sr. By Mike Williams, Sr. and Lew Freedman
Alaska musher and tribal leader Mike Williams shares his remarkable life story with veteran sports writer Lew Freedman. Williams is a man of many parts, a sports figure, a government figure, a leader of his people, a husband, a father, and a Native man with one foot firmly planted in the twenty-first century and another firmly planted in the roots of a culture that dates back 10,000 years in Alaska. Williams competed in the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race fifteen times, and was once the only Yup’ik Eskimo musher, a symbol to all Natives around the state. Although he was never a top contender for the Iditarod title, he was a competitor whom everyone cheered because he resolved that to shed light on one of Alaska’s greatest threats to the health and future of its Native people, he would carry in his dog sled pages—pounds worth—of signatures of people who had pledged sobriety. A Yup’ik Eskimo, Williams saw firsthand how alcohol could devastate people as surely as if they had contracted a deadly flu: each of his brothers had succumbed to alcohol-related accidents, incidents, or illnesses. Williams describes how he recovered from his dependence on alcohol through religion, loved ones, and racing dogs. For many years Williams carried those sobriety pledges in his sled, focusing attention on a troubling, seemingly intractable problem.
This book will come out on May 12, 2015, but can be pre-ordered on Amazon.com now.

Iditarod Adventures: Tales from Mushers Along the Trail By Lew Freedman
In IDITAROD ADVENTURES, mushers explain why they have chosen this rugged lifestyle, what has kept them in long-distance mushing, and the experiences they have endured along that unforgiving trail between Anchorage and Nome.
Renowned sports writer Lew Freedman profiles 23 mushers—men, women, Natives, seasoned veterans, and some relatively new to the demanding sport, many of whom are so well-known in Alaska that fans refer to them only by their first names.

REACHING BEYOND THE CLOUDS: From Undiagnosed to Climbing Mt. Everest By Cindy Abbott
After years of experiencing the frightening symptoms of a mysterious illness, at the age of 48, and with almost no mountaineering experience, Cindy Abbott decides to climb Mt. Everest. A few months after that fateful decision, she becomes functionally blind in one eye and is subsequently diagnosed with Wegener’s granulomatosis, a rare, incurable and potentially life-threatening disease, but she refuses to give up on her dream. In this extraordinary and true story, Cindy Abbott takes us with her into one of nature’s most extreme environments while battling a rare disease that turns her own body against her.


The First Great Race Alaska’s 1973 Iditarod By Dan Seavey
Many have dreamed of quitting their job, packing up the family, and moving to the Last Frontier. Dan Seavey, a high school teacher from Minnesota did just that. Along with wife Shirley and three small children, he drove the Alaska Highway in 1963 and homesteaded north of Seward, Alaska just in time to survive the Great Alaska Earthquake. Pursuing his childhood dream of mushing, Dan acquired his first sled dog puppy a month after arrival. Dog mushing was fading, but a few visionaries stood in the gap and fought to preserve the sled dog. Dan was among them and The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race was born. Later he would advocate tirelessly for the establishment and maintaining of the historical routes traversed by the ancestors of his beloved sled dogs. Now after 50 year of mushing, five Iditarod races, watching both his son and grandson win the Iditarod, and induction into the Iditarod Hall of Fame, Dan tells his incredible story. With a captivating style, Seavey compiles his trove of notes, photos, and recordings taken during The First Great Race to give readers a first-hand, on-the runners experience of a grueling 1,000 mile, twenty-day odyssey through some of the most unforgiving wilderness on earth.

IDITAROD, ALASKA (Images of Sports Series) By Tricia Brown
Come along with Tricia Brown on this ride through time and wilderness, celebrating the history-makers and Alaska's official state sport. Illustrated with historic and recent photographs of the trail, people and dogs that make the Iditarod the Last Great Race on Earth. Brown is an avid fan and happy to volunteer or write about the race, rather than ride the runners at -40°F. Many of the books on mushing that she has written and edited have brought the Iditarod® and its stars to an international audience. The book’s forward is by 4 time champion Jeff King.

The First Iditarod: Mushers' Tales from the 1973 By Helen Hegener
Several years ago I set about tracking down and visiting the remaining mushers from the 1973 race who would share their stories, their memories of what it was like to be one of the original pioneers setting out on what has since become known as “The Last Great Race on Earth.” This book is comprised of the verbatim words of mushers who made that first journey to Nome in 1973, captured through recorded and videotaped interviews conducted over a span of several years.




Mush! the Sled Dogs of the Iditarod by Joe Funk
A race this rugged would not even be possible for the human competitors (or "mushers") without their sled dogs! With between 12 to 15 per team and over 50 teams competing, there are nearly 750 dogs that compete in this race every year. Doggy-lovers and children everywhere will love to learn about these dogs and just how exactly they manage to compete in this grueling race. MUSH! will teach young readers about the Iditarod, the mushers, and the dogs whose history dates back to the famous Balto. Full-color photos throughout to complement the informative text.

Foxy's Tale: The True Story of a Champion Alaskan Sled Dog by Ed White and Donna Freedman
Not only does it give you an insight into how Alaskan sled dogs are bred and raised, but it tells a great story besides. You learn what it is like to live in the unique remote conditions of life in Alaska and the simple, extraordinary bond between the "runt" of a litter and the little girl who befriends, raises, inspires and cherishes her.

Bomo and the Beef Snacks: A Story of Friendship and Promises Along the Iditarod Trail by Jim Derrickson
The snow is crisp, the sled is out, and the children are ready. It's time to run the Iditarod race to Nome. The dogs are ready too, as long as the beef snacks hold out. That's the special pact between the children and the dogs: the guarantee of delicious beef snacks along the cold journey. In the lead, the team stops for a tasty treat only to discover the beef snacks have been left behind. Oh no! What's a dog to do? Turn around in mid-race and head back for more, of course! The other teams rejoice as they see Bomo's team speeding back towards the starting line. But the race isn't over yet. With more beef snacks at the finish line, just who do you think will make it there first?

The Adventures of Balto: The Untold Story of Alaska's Famous Iditarod Sled Dog by Pat Chargot
Balto was only three years old when he helped carry serum across Alaska from Nenana to Nome to save the town's children from diphtheria. As leader of the last dog team in the life-saving relay race, he became an overnight sensation — a BONEa fide international celebrity. But much more happened after that. Balto lived for eight more years. His days unfolded like a sled expedition to the North Pole, carrying him in an exhilarating rush over smooth snow one minute, an icy hummock the next. And how does the new story end? With a heart-thumping surprise that you can't imagine — and neither could have Balto. Hook up your harness, step into Balto's booties, and mush off to Balto's true story.

Snow Dogs!: Racers of the North By Ian Whitelaw
Photographs combine with lively illustrations and engaging, age-appropriate stories in DK Readers, a multilevel reading program guaranteed to capture children's interest while developing their reading skills and general knowledge.
Snow Dogs! Racers of the North takes readers into the exciting world of dogsled racing, revealing what it takes to be the leader of the pack.

Kamik: An Inuit Puppy StoryBy Matilda Sulurayok. Illustrated by Qin Leng
When Jake finally gets a puppy to call his own, all he can think about is the fast, strong sled dog that his puppy will become. But Kamik is far from an obedient sled dog. He won’t listen, he tracks mud all over the house, and he’s a lot more work than Jake ever thought a puppy could be. But after a visit with his grandfather, who raised many puppies of his own while living out on the land, Jake learns that Inuit have been raising puppies just like Kamik to be obedient, resourceful, helpful sled dogs for generations. Grade Level: 1 – 3

Kamik's First Sled By Matilda Sulurayok. Illustrated by Qin Leng
All Jake wants is to raise his puppy into a strong, fast sled dog, but Kamik is far from ready to pull a sled with a dog team. With some advice and a little help from his grandmother, Jake learns basic principles of how to begin training a dog to pull. Kamik finally has his first sled, and he and Jake can finally begin exploring the tundra together. But Jake and Kamik are still inexperienced, and when a blizzard starts blowing in across the tundra, Jake has to rely on his knowledge to get home. Grade Level: Kindergarten – 2

Big-Enough Anna: The Little Sled Dog Who Braved The Arctic By Pam Flowers with Ann Sixon. Bill Farnsworth (Illustrator)
A true story of how the runt of the litter became the leader of the pack. Flowers was preparing for a six-month, 2500-mile dogsled journey from Barrow, AK, to Repulse Bay, Canada, which would make her the first woman to cross the North American Arctic alone. Anna and her littermates trained with the older, more experienced dogs, with the intention that the strongest would accompany the expedition. Before attempting to pull a sled, the young canines were taught to follow voice commands; wear a harness; and drag twigs, sticks, and then small logs behind them. Though Anna was the smallest, she proved to have heart and a love of running; she was chosen for the trip. About halfway through the trek, the seasoned lead dog ran off; Anna took over and was instrumental in finishing the journey, which lasted almost twice as long as planned. Grade Level: Preschool and up.

Douggie: The Playful Pup Who Became a Sled Dog Hero By Pam Flowers . Illustrated by Jon Van Zyle
Douggie: The Playful Puppy Who Became a Sled Dog Hero is Pam Flowers's tribute to the pup who seemed destined to remain the class clown. But Pam saw potential in this exuberant youngster, and Douggie's intelligence and persistence ultimately earned him the position of lead dog for a dangerous 325-mile expedition to the Magnetic North Pole. Grade Level: Kindergarten - 5

Yukon: Sled Dog By Judith Janda Presnall. Mark Elliott Illustrator
Sled dogs must love to run. Sled dogs must be strong. Sled dogs must obey commands. Sled dogs must get along with teammates. Puppy Yukon is the only girl in her litter, and she’s got high energy. Could she be a leader in the sled dog team? Trainer Roberta works with the puppies. Yukon is faster and smarter than her brothers. Roberta thinks Yukon can help lead the team! Yukon continues to train with her team for two long years. Is she finally ready to race? Grade Level: 1 – 8

Sweet Home Alaska by Carole Estby Dagg
To make a fresh start, Terpsichore Johnson’s father signs up for President Roosevelt’s Palmer Colony project, uprooting the family from Wisconsin to become pioneers in Alaska. Terpsichore is a vivacious, inventive, Eleven-year-old resourceful, and determined to help her family thrive in their new Alaskan home.
Age Level: 10 – 12 Grade Level: 5 and up

The Boy in the Snow: An Edie Kiglatuk mystery. by M.J. McGrath
The Iditarod race is a minor feature in the book, Edie Kiglatuk's ex is running his dogs.

Mush!: Sled Dogs with Issues by Glenn Eichler, Joe Infurnari (Illustrator)
Who knew sled dog teams were so full of relationship issues, office politics, and all-out existential angst?
Mush! Sled Dogs with Issues follows the machinations of a group of sled dogs in Alaska. Venus, Buddy, Winston, Guy, Dolly and Fiddler are the sled dogs for a anti-social hermit and his long suffering wife. Dolly, the lead dog, doesn't know if she wants the job, but Guy is willing to kill for it. Buddy really likes (to breed with) Venus, but Venus despises Buddy. Winston is obsessed with his pure-breed status, but agonizes over being the last of his line. Fiddler is just Fiddler - Nobody knows what he wants - even himself.



Malamute Man: Memoirs of an Arctic Traveler by Joe G. Henderson
Joe Henderson, who came to Alaska in search of adventure, finds himself on a remarkable journey exploring the Arctic with his Alaskan malamute sled dog team. He ventures into one of the most brutal environments on earth where extreme subzero temperatures are a constant reminder of mortality, and the will to survive is unselfishly shared by both man and dog. Together, they must fend off charging grizzly bears, endure powerful blizzards, and suffer the horror of plunging through thin ice.

Year of the Dog: How Running Sled Dogs Saved the Life of a Middle-Aged, Woefully Average Mother of Eight by Michelle Kennedy Hogan.
"To say that dogs saved my life may sound trite to some. It may sound like I am overstating to others – or being dramatic. But if not for the dream of dogs, the company of dogs, the help of dogs, the beauty of the dogs, I am sure I would be here today, but I am not sure I would be alive."
Michelle Hogan is a dog musher and the mother of eight, homeschooled children. She lives "off-the-grid" in Alaska with her family, 18 sled dogs and two retrievers. It looks like this book is only available as a KINDLE BOOK from Amazon.com right now.

OF DOGS AND MEN The Illustrated story of the dogs of the British Antarctic Survey 1944-1994 by Kevin Walton and Rick Atkinson.
Of Dogs and Men is a brilliant record of a bygone era in which dogs were the only means of travel in Antarctica. Published a year after the dogs were banished from the Continent, Of Dogs and Men captures the true story of intense companionship between man and dog and the diverse ways in which both were essential for the other’s survival. With meticulous detail, the book portrays the dogs as individuals with distinctive personalities, some being more cooperative to human endeavour than others but all contributed to a relationship which has become legendary. The book includes wonderful illustrations which match the tales told by those who knew the dogs best- over thirty contributors from the British Antarctic Survey are well placed to give a full account spanning the arrival of dogs in the 1940s to their eventual dismissal at the advent of motorised vehicles and heavy machinery. The stories are funny, sad, triumphant and tragic but most of all, they appeal to every dog lover.

Be the Lead Dog - 7 Life-Changing Lessons Taught By Sled Dogs By Liz Parrish and Barbara Schaefer
Brought to you be renowned mushers, speakers and entrepreneurs Liz Parrish and Barb Schaefer, Be the Lead Dog lays out the foundational lessons you need to be your best. Use these strategies and tips to achieve your full potential...in leadership, teambuilding, communications and life! Decades of training, racing and being guided by their champion dogs have given Liz and Barb a wealth of experience from which to draw their insider secrets of the relationship of sled dogs and their people, and how those can be applied to everyday life.


16 Tails Laura Daugereau's Rookie Iditarod Race
Laura Daugereau is Washington State's first woman to run the Iditarod. Her collection of Stories of her rookie run are in this audiobook
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Re: A Listing of Sled Dog, Mushing and Racing Books.

Postby fladogfan » Wed Feb 27, 2013 3:02 pm

What a labor of love, Brian. Thanks!
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Re: A Listing of Sled Dog, Mushing and Racing Books.

Postby MelanieGouldFanBrian » Mon Oct 07, 2013 6:26 am


The First Great Race Alaska’s 1973 Iditarod By Dan Seavey
Many have dreamed of quitting their job, packing up the family, and moving to the Last Frontier. Dan Seavey, a high school teacher from Minnesota did just that. Along with wife Shirley and three small children, he drove the Alaska Highway in 1963 and homesteaded north of Seward, Alaska just in time to survive the Great Alaska Earthquake. Pursuing his childhood dream of mushing, Dan acquired his first sled dog puppy a month after arrival. Dog mushing was fading, but a few visionaries stood in the gap and fought to preserve the sled dog. Dan was among them and The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race was born. Later he would advocate tirelessly for the establishment and maintaining of the historical routes traversed by the ancestors of his beloved sled dogs. Now after 50 year of mushing, five Iditarod races, watching both his son and grandson win the Iditarod, and induction into the Iditarod Hall of Fame, Dan tells his incredible story. With a captivating style, Seavey compiles his trove of notes, photos, and recordings taken during The First Great Race to give readers a first-hand, on-the runners experience of a grueling 1,000 mile, twenty-day odyssey through some of the most unforgiving wilderness on earth.

seavey book.png
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Re: A Listing of Sled Dog, Mushing and Racing Books.

Postby MelanieGouldFanBrian » Fri Oct 18, 2013 3:52 pm

Just Added to Book Listing CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULT: FICTION & NON-FICTION. 10/18/13

Foxy's Tale: The True Story of a Champion Alaskan Sled Dog. By Ed White and Donna Freedman.
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Re: A Listing of Sled Dog, Mushing and Racing Books.

Postby MelanieGouldFanBrian » Wed Nov 06, 2013 7:31 am


Mush!: Sled Dogs with Issues
by Glenn Eichler, Joe Infurnari (Illustrator)

Who knew sled dog teams were so full of relationship issues, office politics, and all-out existential angst?
Mush! Sled Dogs with Issues follows the machinations of a group of sled dogs in Alaska. Venus, Buddy, Winston, Guy, Dolly and Fiddler are the sled dogs for a anti-social hermit and his long suffering wife. Dolly, the lead dog, doesn't know if she wants the job, but Guy is willing to kill for it. Buddy really likes (to breed with) Venus, but Venus despises Buddy. Winston is obsessed with his pure-breed status, but agonizes over being the last of his line. Fiddler is just Fiddler - Nobody knows what he wants - even himself.
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Re: A Listing of Sled Dog, Mushing and Racing Books.

Postby MelanieGouldFanBrian » Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:03 am


Malamute Man: Memoirs of an Arctic Traveler
by Joe G. Henderson

A riveting read from start to finish. The story of one man following his dream to not only explore, but live off the land in one of the most unforgiving regions of North America. The only means of travel is by dog sled and he tells stories of stunning vistas, friendly and un-friendly wildlife and the trustworthy bond between himself and his team of Malamutes, often hundreds of miles and days travelling away from civilization.
malamute man.jpg
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Re: A Listing of Sled Dog, Mushing and Racing Books.

Postby fladogfan » Sun Nov 17, 2013 1:43 pm

:( hump :( none of these are listed in my library, rats.

Wonder if they think no interest because no snow?
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Re: A Listing of Sled Dog, Mushing and Racing Books.

Postby MelanieGouldFanBrian » Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:41 pm


Iditarod Alaska: Life of a Long Distance Sled Dog Musher by Burt Bomhoff.

bomhoff book.jpg

"This book will give you an insight into what it actually took to start as a rookie and evolve into a serious, experienced musher. It also is a great, warts-and-all, look behind the scenes at the machinations and politics of the race itself, with honest insights into the personalities of some of the early racers and Alaska characters that built the sport and the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race into what it is today.
All the familiar faces are here from the author's years of friendships, associations, rivalries and sometimes acts of downright skullduggery throughout the history of the race. From Iditarod founder Joe Redington to adventurer Colonel Norman Vaughan; Riddles and Susan Butcher to DeeDee Jonrowe. The sometimes cantankerous, but wily champion Rick Swenson, Emmit "Yukon Fox' Peters, Martin Buser, Jeff King -- they are all here, companions and trail mates, certainly, but always deadly serious competitors.
Some of the stories leave one laughing out loud; mushers tricking each other into terrible mistakes on the trail, shady deals in dog-trading swindles that border on felonies, seeming acts of kindness actually designed to stop you in your tracks for precious minutes or hours.
Beneath all of the under-handedness of some of the tactics, there is always the understanding that out there, where the slightest mis-step could quite simply kill you, there is an ever-present sense of camaraderie, a feeling that -- no matter the importance of winning -- the mushers are still all in this together."
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Re: A Listing of Sled Dog, Mushing and Racing Books.

Postby MelanieGouldFanBrian » Wed Jan 08, 2014 4:11 pm


Year of the Dog: How Running Sled Dogs Saved the Life of a Middle-Aged, Woefully Average Mother of Eight
By Michelle Kennedy Hogan


"To say that dogs saved my life may sound trite to some. It may sound like I am overstating to others – or being dramatic. But if not for the dream of dogs, the company of dogs, the help of dogs, the beauty of the dogs, I am sure I would be here today, but I am not sure I would be alive."
Michelle Hogan is a dog musher and the mother of eight, homeschooled children. She lives "off-the-grid" in Alaska with her family, 18 sled dogs and two retrievers.

It appears this book is available only as a KINDLE BOOK right now from the Amazon link below.

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00G8O ... lekenne-20


OF DOGS AND MEN The Illustrated story of the dogs of the British Antarctic Survey 1944-1994
by Kevin Walton and Rick Atkinson


Of Dogs and Men is a brilliant record of a bygone era in which dogs were the only means of travel in Antarctica. Published a year after the dogs were banished from the Continent, Of Dogs and Men captures the true story of intense companionship between man and dog and the diverse ways in which both were essential for the other’s survival. With meticulous detail, the book portrays the dogs as individuals with distinctive personalities, some being more cooperative to human endeavour than others but all contributed to a relationship which has become legendary. The book includes wonderful illustrations which match the tales told by those who knew the dogs best- over thirty contributors from the British Antarctic Survey are well placed to give a full account spanning the arrival of dogs in the 1940s to their eventual dismissal at the advent of motorised vehicles and heavy machinery. The stories are funny, sad, triumphant and tragic but most of all, they appeal to every dog lover.
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