Ask the Vet with Dr. Mike Davis 1/19-1/31

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Re: Ask the Vet with Dr. Mike Davis 1/19-1/31

Postby tamra » Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:53 am

Hi Mike,
In regards to the 8.5 day calculation, wouldn't it be closer to 9.5 if you factor in the required 24 hour break?
Looking at the results of the Kusko last weekend, with a hard fast trail (and the wind at your back) it seemed like the top 10 teams were able to stay pretty close to 10 mph even near the end, some coming off 150 mile runs with only a 6 hour rest. I think the total race time may get reduced as teams are seeming to trend towards longer runs, shorter rests (closer to a 70:30 ratio) and still maintaining some speed. It appears that further into a race, as teams become more conditioned that a 50:50 run:rest schedule isn't necessary, and that speeds don't necessarily decrease as was previously thought. Is it that if a team is travelling at a faster pace they will likely require a longer rest to recover, while a slightly slower team, while taking a bit longer to do the same run segment, may not require the same recovery time?
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Re: Ask the Vet with Dr. Mike Davis 1/19-1/31

Postby Leaddog » Thu Jan 27, 2011 11:41 am

Hi Tamra;
The clock keeps running during the 24 hr rest, but the rest is still rest - a bit inconvenient in duration depending on where you take it, but rest nonetheless.
You are correct in that if speed, distance, and trail conditions remain constant, a dog probably needs shorter rest periods to recover from a run IF the dog is successful in adapting to the increased metabolic demand. Most do adapt, but some don't.
The max sustainable speed of a rested dog is the product of conditioning - if you haven't conditioned them for sustaining 10 mph, then they won't be able to sustain it during a race no matter how much rest you give them. They may be able to do it once or twice, but it will be at the expense of their reserves and they won't be able to sustain it on the next run (unless you provided ALOT of rest). That's where the strategic use of the mandatory rests comes into play. If you've conditioned to sustain 10 mph, you can probably go 12 mph in the run leading up to the mandatory 24. Yes, you will partially deplete reserves, but you will also have the rest time to replenish them. Maintaining the standard sustainable pace into the 24 hr rest period wastes a large portion of that rest period because they dogs aren't necessarily recovering more. If it only takes 6 hrs to recover completely, there is no benefit derived from teh next 18 hrs of rest. But this is also where luck takes hold - you can't always predict where it might be best to just take a 24 hr break. The dogs aren't the only factor. Trail, weather, and equipment conditions also dictate it. The ideal is to be flexible enough and lucky enough to have the breaks go your way.
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Re: Ask the Vet with Dr. Mike Davis 1/19-1/31

Postby txbennett » Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:37 pm

I thought this posting on the SP Kennel web site (Aliy Zirkle and Allen Moore) was interesting and timely for Dr. Davis's Ask the Vet series. (Pud is one of Aliy's team dogs)

Dr. Nelson, PUD, Aliy and Allen

Dr. Stuart Nelson, DVM, is the Chief Veterinarian for the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. In the month prior to the race, he conscientiously tries to visit some of this year's race kennels. This way he can talk to the mushers and look over the dogs in their home setting. It was a great visit and Dr. Nelson, Allen and Aliy chatted about many health, nutrition and overall wellness issues.

Dr. Nelson was "hands on" with some of our racers. It was very positive to have a skilled sled dog veterinarian spend several hours walking with, talking to and examining dogs.

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Re: Ask the Vet with Dr. Mike Davis 1/19-1/31

Postby fladogfan » Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:35 pm

Thanks for the explanation of Lucky's 'talent'. He spins very fast always clockwise, he also holds his back left leg up off the floor sometimes. I had a vet check that out and the answer was, leg is OK, he just likes to hold leg up. I think he spins faster with it up and uses right leg as a pivot.
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Re: Ask the Vet with Dr. Mike Davis 1/19-1/31

Postby libby the lab » Sat Jan 29, 2011 12:18 pm

Mike- I a have few last questions.
Is your research "in the field" seasonal when the athletes are in peak condition or is year round?
How many people are currently assisting you both tecs and vets in the field and then how many back in the lab at OSU?
What is the next phase of your research and when will it begin?

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Re: Ask the Vet with Dr. Mike Davis 1/19-1/31

Postby Leaddog » Sat Jan 29, 2011 6:52 pm

Hi Cindy
The research tends to be seasonal, but becoming less so. We may not collect a lot of data during the summer, but we still wind up in AK periodically to install new equipment, repair old equipment, or sort through supplies in anticipation of the busier times. Anymore, data collection starts in Sept when we get our baselines for any study investigating a training effect. The largest interest is the dogs' response to multi-day exercise, so crunch time starts in January when the dogs are really getting to the degree of fitness to do multiday runs.
The full-time staff is limited to me and a couple of grad students. Everyone else, from vets to scientists to techs (probably about a half-dozen to dozen different folks), are on a contract basis. All of them have actual steady jobs and the funding doesn't really allow for me to compete with that directly. The strategy is to just use them (and pay them) for the specific periods in which we need their help, and hope that their schedules and bosses are agreeable to let me have them for brief periods.
Not sure we have phases of research anymore - it seems continuous. The general theme of either doing metabolism work for Dept of Defense or doing sled dog health for ourselves looks to be continuous for a couple of years at least.
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Re: Ask the Vet with Dr. Mike Davis 1/19-1/31

Postby libby the lab » Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:29 pm

"The Ask a Vet" was a huge success and we enjoyed geting "educated" on your research and your insights. We will be looking for you on video of the upcoming races. Please feel free to stop in anytime and reply to our wide variety of topics.
Cindy, Libby and Hank
PS Hope the snow and ice doesn't keep us from seeing you in Tulsa this weekend!!
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Re: Ask the Vet with Dr. Mike Davis 1/19-1/31

Postby Moose » Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:04 pm

What Libby said goes for all of us, Dr. M. Thank you. It's good to know you're out there, on the trail and in the lab, looking out for the interests of man's best friend--and women's, too. Happy trails!
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Re: Ask the Vet with Dr. Mike Davis 1/19-1/31

Postby Heidi » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:59 pm

Thank you for joining us Dr. Mike; you were terrific! :)

I have learned SO much. I really found it all very interesting.
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Re: Ask the Vet with Dr. Mike Davis 1/19-1/31

Postby Di* » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:52 pm

You're a class act Dr.Mike, thanks so much for your prompt replies to all our questions, come on back anytime! :)
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